Daily Update: 3/3/2023
Compilation of the latest reports regarding Covid from MD's, scientists and other experts that don't necessarily agree with the "narrative". These are voices that should be heard.
COVID-19 Vaccines Remain Pregnancy Category X
Products Should Never Have Been Administered in Pregnant Women and Those of Childbearing Age
By: Peter A. McCullough, MD
Johns Hopkins professor: US gov’t was the ‘greatest perpetrator of COVID misinformation’
Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University noted that the government’s claims about the jab, natural immunity, and masks were all proven false.
Senate unanimously approves bill asking Biden admin to declassify COVID origin documents
The bill, introduced by Republican U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, comes after the U.S. Department of Energy concluded that the COVID-19 outbreak ‘most likely’ originated from a Chinese lab leak, a concept previously denounced as a conspiracy theory.
URGENT: Update/CORRECTION to previous Singapore article
Singapore broadened its definition of stillbirth in late May 2022, causing a reported increase in stillbirths. (Births still dropped 10 percent nine months after mass mRNAs, though.)
By Alex Berenson (former NY Times reporter)
A 37 year old UK mom finds a "lump" after COVID-19 vaccine - it turns out to be a turbo cervical cancer leaving her with months to live
By: William Makis, MD
H5N1 avian influenza - what you need to know - wild rumors and a look beyond the usual propaganda
By: William Makis, MD
I finally found out why they don't make the data we need publicly available
It's too much work. So they don't even know the answer themselves. They are simply flying blind.
By: Steve Kirsch, MIT BS/MS EE
How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in Australia?
Australia didn't a lot of COVID deaths until after they rolled out the COVID vaccines. Now excess deaths are out of control. Something is causing those deaths. Any guesses??
By: Steve Kirsch, MIT BS/MS EE
50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
Xylitol Nasal Spray Prevents SARS-CoV-2 Infection; Balmforth et al. studied a xylitol-based nasal spray known to have anti-infective & anti-inflammatory properties and is used in XLEAR nasal sprays
They found significant benefit in this xylitol-based nasal spray in preventing COVID infection; Dr. McCullough has written about this in the past in his substack
By: Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Peter McCullough: Study confirms Xylitol nasal spray can prevent COVID infection
Xylitol available as XLEAR in US pharmacies is one of several choices for local nasopharyngeal protection and treatment of COVID-19.
Not so fast Dr. Aseem Malhotra, not so fast; "I am sorry" please utter those words "I am sorry for the role I played initially in pushing the lunacy & mRNA technology injections"; I applaud you
I admire that you have come, crossed over & welcome you, but you are being made a hero when you were part of the harms that accrued, so start by explaining how truckers knew more than you!
By: Dr. Paul Alexander
Jim>My comment to Dr. Alexander article above: Thanks for writing this, you’re spot on for every point…he thinks some of us were irrational…no, we looked at ALL of the evidence not just one side, and made our decision that come hell or high water, we’re not taking that jab. Our lives have been turned upside down, we were hated, called murderers, because of taking this stand “for the whole truth”. I appreciate that some who previously advocated for the shot are finally seeing the truth (or finally “admitting” to the truth - I think they knew it all along but were afraid to speak the truth). But I have to be honest, it is troubling that they’re only doing so after it’s starting to get safe. They see the tsunami of truth heading in and are jumping sides before it hits for all to see. We should forgive but we will never forget. And we will always remember the scientists like you Dr. Alexander, Rose, Kirsch, Hirschhorn and the MD’s like McCullough, Malone, Geert (DVM), Kheriaty, Kory, Marik, Midwestern, Zelenko, Cole, Nass, Mercola, AK Seyd, Milhoan and others, who stood with us arguing for truth, trying to save lives. We couldn’t have done this without you all. We are forever grateful. Thank you.
Safe and effective
Maybe understanding where the deception lies assists with future discernment
By: Kimberly Milhoan, MD
The Jaywalker and the Covid Police
Like the ticky-tacky crosswalk cop, people should have tuned out the Covid “experts” and politicians from the beginning and instead trusted their own observations and common sense. Instead of heavy-handed, top-down, theatrical top-down mitigation measures, society would have been far better off if people had been allowed to live normally. The experts’ advice and government mitigation measures were—and are— nagging, nugatory and negative.
Fauci Wanted Universal Human Separation Forever
One might suppose it would be top headlines that the man who crafted the Covid response for the world was merely using this as the lever to reverse 12,000 years of human history. Indeed in that sense, “going medieval” is a mere step in a long road back. Forget the Constitution. Forget the Enlightenment. Forget even the golden age of the Roman Empire. Fauci wants to take us back long before there are any actual historical records: a conjectural Rousseauian state of nature where we lived by foraging for food around us and nothing more.
Tomás Pueyo Returns: The MBA Who Shut Down Europe on Masks and the Cochrane Review
To this day, it remains unclear where Pueyo got the ideas for virus containment for his 2020 articles. To some degree, Pueyo’s ideas mirrored those of major lockdown proponents like Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson—architect of the wildly-inaccurate COVID models that instigated lockdowns across the free world—who’d already endorsed global lockdown measures. Yet outside of a niche epidemiology community, these ideas were far from well-known. For the most part, it wasn’t until Pueyo’s articles that these ideas for strict virus containment measures reached the mainstream.
Rand Paul: COVID Lab Leak “One Of The Greatest Coverups In Modern Medical History”
“This is how idiotic these people are, and how moronic”
Half-truths, Limited Hangouts & Manipulation
Things to keep in mind
Proposal would ban donors with COVID vaxes from giving blood
Tainted Blood?!
80% of the blood supply is from the vaccinated - one state wants to make it illegal for the vaccinated to give blood.
By: Dr. Panda
My Views on Shedding
...and the various forms of it
By: Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Jim>Woody isn’t a scientist but I love seeing this because it shows people are waking up.
‘Not a free country’: Woody Harrelson slams COVID mandates in NY Times interview
'I don’t think that anybody should have the right to demand that you’re forced to do the testing, forced to wear the mask, and forced to get vaccinated three years on. I’m just like, Let’s be done with this nonsense.'
Vaccines stop long COVID Immediately! Maybe 29 days before you get it!
Eric Topol promotes another misleading analysis
By: Vinay Prasad MD MPH
Key quotes from Pfizer's April 22, 2022 Motion to Dismiss and US Government's Oct. 4, 2022 Statement of Interest in Support of MtD.
Evidence of the HUB and the Zero Efficacy Hypothesis for COVID-19 Vaccines
Shattering the Efficacy Illusion, Part 4
DECLASSÉ ☙ Thursday, March 2, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS
You'll never believe how fast the entire United States government is moving to pin the blame for covid on China; disinformation becomes information faster than we can keep up; and more.
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"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:"
Hosea 4:6, Old Testament
“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.”
Ephesians 5:11-12, New Testament
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
"If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity." -Albert Einstein
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."
-George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings (as said by Tyrion Lannister)
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire (1765)