TFOCE – Covid Info Update: 3/10/2023
Compilation of the latest reports regarding Covid from MD's, scientists and other experts that don't necessarily agree with the "narrative". These are voices that should be heard.
To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Punish Those Who Started This One
Definition of a bioweapon revisited
Dr. Redfield's Bombshell Testimony
While crickets chirped, the bus just ran over Fauci
By Robert W Malone MD, MS
Why the Body Attacks Itself after COVID-19 Vaccination
Autoimmunity is a Direct Consequence of Poorly Conceived Genetic Vaccines
By: Peter A. McCullough, MD
Insurance Analyst Bombshell: “The More Doses You Have On Average In A Region . . . The Bigger Increase In Mortality That Region Has Had”
Horowitz: German health insurance company experiences 76% increase in employee sick days as excess deaths skyrocket
Why the Left Is Pro-Mask
Understand the Left's support for mask-wearing and you will understand the Left.
Cochrane Ends the Masking Rage
Do Covid Masks Work?
Second question: Do chain link fences stop mosquitoes?
Ambulatory Acute COVID-19 Care Extends to Heart Failure Patients
New Risk Stratification and Advanced Protocols Allow Home Treatment
By: Peter A. McCullough, MD
Dr. Drew Interview: Natural Immunity vs. Vaccine Immunity
The basic scientific truth that I was fired for defending in 2021 is now widely reported as "news" by NBC and other legacy media outlets. Sometimes tough being a year-and-a-half ahead of the curve.
By: Aaron Kheriaty, MD
Children who were injured by Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines - Hallucinations, self-harm, suicide attempts, permanent disability
By: William Makis, MD
Unanswered Covid questions
The Greatest Lie Told During Covid
Gain-of-Function Research ‘Probably Caused the Greatest Pandemic’ in History
Former CDC director also believes COVID-19 was the result of a lab leak
By: Dr. Panda
The Vaccine Was “95% Effective” How?
Conspiracy Theories Become Conspiracy Facts
The UK Narrative Falls Apart with Leaked Messages
Medical Researchers Willfully Blind to Future Risk of Cardiac Arrest after COVID-19 Vaccine Induce Myopericarditis
Serious Adolescent Cases with no Follow-Up Disclosed
By: Peter A. McCullough, MD
Yet another leak reveals that Covid policies owe less to creepy conspiratorial globalists, than they do to the unbounded stupidity of our leaders, boring institutional dynamics and feedback effects
By Eugyppius (anonymous German academic)
Punctuated Emergence, or: A further defence and closer specification of my view that pandemic policies arise primarily from the unbounded myopia and stupidity of the people who govern us
Conspiracy and coordination were important at the beginning, but national governments and their institutions rapidly assumed the initiative in all areas of pandemic policy.
By Eugyppius (anonymous German academic)
"Creepy Conspiratorial Globalists" Were Behind Covid Lockdowns, UK Pandemic Files Show
UK government officials wanted lockdowns cancelled, but were pressured to continue
Regarding COVID-19 pseudo-mRNA vax and ADE
A response to the nattering nabobs of malicious defamation
By Robert W Malone MD, MS
World-Renowned Doctors Wreak Havoc on COVID Narrative in Major Roundtable Discussion
-referenced roundtable discussion
Select Subcommittee Roundtable: Examining COVID Policy Decisions (Full, Unedited Meeting - 02/28/23)
Pilots and flight attendants who recently had cardiac arrests in-flight and "died suddenly"...
By: William Makis, MD
First child death due to Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine compensated - Taiwanese girl 5-11 years old died after 2nd Pfizer jab - government awarded $115,000 to family
By: William Makis, MD
An Opinion Piece in Newsweek is Calling for "Apologies" and "Investigations"
And it is NOT asking for "pandemic amnesty"
Private Emails Show NIH Officials Helped Persuade Virologists to Write Key Article Denouncing COVID Lab-Leak Theory
Leaders of the National Institutes of Health and the U.K.’s Wellcome Trust played an undisclosed role in persuading virologists to write an influential article asserting a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, according to a memo released Sunday by investigators with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield Lays Out Three Red Flags That Point To Lab Leak
Video & Transcript: Dr. Redfield Thows Fauci Under the Bus
Fireworks on Capitol Hill with Jim Jordan and former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield
How many people were killed by the use of Remdesivir and Midazolam + Morphine in the US and UK?
Follow up on DNA contamination of COVID-19 injectable products
It's worse than originally thought based on new results...
By: Dr. Jessica Rose
Excess dementia deaths in Australia seems to have only one possible explanation
The only way to explain the sudden rise in deaths in June/July 2021 that fits the data is the COVID vaccine, AFAIK.
By: Steve Kirsch, MIT BS/MS EE
Virgin Australia flight from Adelaide to Perth forced to make emergency landing as First Officer suffered heart attack 30 minutes after departure on March 3, 2023
By: William Makis, MD
"The pushing of these experimental vaccines globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics in history."—The FLCCC News Capsule for March 5, 2023
A Compendium of the Latest COVID-19 News, Facts & Features
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"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:"
Hosea 4:6, Old Testament
“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.”
Ephesians 5:11-12, New Testament
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
"If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity." -Albert Einstein
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."
-George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings (as said by Tyrion Lannister)
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire (1765)